For Darkness Shows the Stars

As a biology student, I found myself fascinated by the world that Peterfrend created. In this world, scientific advancements have gone much too far in unlocking one's true genetic potential. Experiments were carried out on young children in an attempt to engineer the perfect human who was stronger, faster, and better in every way. Of course, as in reality, these advancements do not come without consequences... and that's where the story starts to get interesting. If we can determine whether or not a child has a disability and use gene therapy to treat certain illnesses, who's to say that we won't eventually be able to engineer a human? It wasn't difficult to imagine this world as a possible future for mankind, adding a dose of scary realism to the story.
One of my favourite parts of For Darkness Shows the Stars was, surprisingly, the relationship between Eliot and Kai as told through their childhood letters. Their relationship has always been one with an imbalance of power, and it was interesting to see how that dynamic impacted their already forbidden friendship. Through these letters, we see how Kai's knowledge and experiences challenge the information that Eliot has always blindly accepted and how that shapes her future actions.
Eliot North was a very admirable heroine. After I got over the initial shock that Eliot was, in fact, female, I found myself fascinated by her quiet determination. She knew which battles were worth fighting, even if they required tremendous sacrifices, and she also knew when to walk away. While I sometimes wished she wasn't quite so passive, I can't imagine that I would have acted any differently given the burdens, responsibilities, and secrets that Eliot shoulders throughout the course of the story.
Overall, For Darkness Shows the Stars is more than a romance story: it's rife with heavy themes such as class conflict, the dangers of genetic modification, and acceptance. Most of all, though, it shows the importance of hope, and how even the smallest actions can impact someone's life in dramatic ways.
This review can also be found at The In-Between Place.